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Congratulations to Hawaiian Coco Ho for winning the 2016 Supergirl Pro surf contest in Oceanside, CA. The Paul Mitchell Supergirl Pro has been called “the largest all-women’s surf contest in the world,” and is verified as the only WSL Women’s QS6000 event in North America. For most of the 3 day event, mother ocean cooperated with 3 to 4 foot waves. With the water temperature in the 70’s, the girls had ideal conditions. Most just wore their swimsuits and rash guards.

Every year I am more impressed with this talent pool of women surfers who just keep raising the bar. Charging over-head waves and then launching into the air pleased not only the judges, but the huge crowd that came to watch the world’s best female surfers.

Malia Manuel’s runner-up finish here at Oceanside earns her the top spot on the QS rankings.