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Blue Ocean Institute’s Sea to Table Program

posted in: Environmental

By Blue Ocean Institute

Blue Ocean’s Sea to Table program helps seafood lovers better understand their relationship with the ocean through the seafood they eat. Their seafood program relies on intensive fisheries research for their seafood rankings, writing, and publishing, with direct outreach to the public and chefs, as well as partnerships with respected institutions. They help you select and enjoy fish with confidence and a clear conscious.

Did you know . . . The largest remaining Atlantic bluefin population-which breeds in the Mediterranean-is now also endangered with collapse? The quota for fishing in the eastern half of the Atlantic and in the Med is more than double what the Commission’s own scientists recommend. Moreover, recent catches have exceeded the limit by more than 50%. Actual catches are about 230% higher than scientists recommend, meaning that for every one fish that can be sustainably caught, fishermen are killing more than three. The population has halved since the 1970’s, with most of the decline occurring in the last 5-6 years. It’s the familiar Bluefin story: Illegal fishing is rampant, too many fish are being caught, and the population is headed for collapse.

Blue Ocean Institute works to inspire a closer relationship with the sea through science, art, and literature. We develop conservation solutions that are compassionate to people as well as to ocean wildlife, and we share reliable information that enlightens personal choices, instills hope, and helps restore living abundance in the ocean.